Grimlok & Goblins

Grimlok & Goblins
Society, Social Structures, and Lore

Researched and Complied by Ramanayan Caesar in the Dark Ages

Originally Published in Deoch 19. Revised in Deochs 22, 29, 37 and 112.

Greetings aisling! I have always had an interest in the Grimlok and Goblins of Temuair. I\'ve spent some time researching the their culture and have put together this scroll giving and introduction to their societies and social structures. I\'ve also included a little lore if you want some information about where to find them and such. I hope you find this information useful!


Section 1: The Grimlok
Section 2: The Goblins
Section 3: The War of Pravat Caves
Section 4: Grimlok and Goblin Lore

1. The Grimlok

The Grimlok are an interesting group to study. They can be found in numbers in only one place - the Pravat Caves, with a few stragglers next door one the first few floors of the Kasmanium Mines. It is widely accepted that the Grimlok did not originate in Temuair, but from lands unknown. A popular theory is that they were somehow transported by dark magic from their homeland to Temuair and they are attempting to return by using the power of the conix stones. After doing some research of my own I believe I have somewhat figured out where they came from. To the west of Suomi there are nearly impassible mountains which guard a path to what we would call "The Western Lands". I believe the Grimlok once lived in these "Western Lands" and somehow were transported to Temuair and are now seeking to return.

Social Structures

The Grimlok are ruled by a Queen - who appears to wield absolute power. As the vast majority of the Grimlok are quite short - height is considered a blessing from the Grimlok gods. Positions of power within Grimlok culture, such as priests and shamans, are dominated by those of extraordinaty height. The tallest of all Grimlok is made leader. After the leader dies the search for the tallest begins again and then the tallest is made leader. If you have ever seen the Grimlok Queen you will agree she is the tallest Grimlok there is.

Otherwise the social structure of the Grimlok is extremely task-oreniented and group driven.

What a Grimlok will do in life is determined simply by what that Grimlok is best at. If a Grimlok is an excellent miner then he will be a miner. If he is an excellent combatant then he will be a warrior. A simple but effective system. The Grimlok have no economy of which to speak of - resources are shared as needed. There is no want or desire in Grimlok life.

Also Grimlok do not "marry" as we would think of. Again this is based on the task orientation. For example say we have two excellent male and female warriors. The Grimlok believe if the two become mates the chances of producing an equal or greater warrior is good. So Grimlok "marriages" are based on the bettering of Grimlok society.

Grimlok Society

Each type of Grimlok plays a different role in their society. Grimlok Miners (Proles) generally do not fight but will if need arises, as they are weak combatants, and one can often walk among them without being attacked. They carry mining clubs witch they use to mine. Their main task is to search for minerals (coral, beryl and such) and also look for the conix stones. If one is killed he will often drop some type of mineral. Grimlok Soldiers are the workhorses of the Grimlok fighting force. Grimlok soldiers have several tasks. Where one sees some miners most likely soldiers are somewhere nearby. They generally protect the miners from harm. They also will attack any outsiders not allied with them without question and be warned they are quite strong combatants. If killed they often carry some kinds of minerals and sometimes magical items that they picked up from aislings they have killed. Grimlok Warriors are the most feared and respected Grimlok fighting forces. These are found only in the deeper parts of Pravat and do protect the miners as soldiers do. There main duty it to attack non-allied outsiders on sight, and they are quite good at it. They carry what I would describe as "a long, twisted, and sharp tip dagger". Should you encounter one you will find them quite difficult to kill. If you do kill one you will often find minerals and magical items and perhaps some coins.

2. The Goblins

The Goblins are in many ways different from the Grimlok. Goblins can be found in quite a few places. They are found in the deeper East Woodlands, Astrid, Undine Field, Pravat Caves**, Kasmanium Mines, Oren Island Jungles, and the Grassy Fields. The goblins have existed for many thousands of years and are native to Temuair.

Goblin Social Structures- Unlike the Grimlok the Goblins have no absolute leader. Part of this is do to the fact the goblins exist in many places across Temuair and communication is difficult. Goblins often dwell in small groups or clans in different areas. Leadership types vary from clan to clan but often will have an elder at the head of the clan. Unlike the Grimlok, who are task oriented, the goblins seek personal gain rather then for their culture as a whole. Goblins all most always are carrying gold with them into battle and see nothing wrong with want and personal desire. Their culture in this aspect makes it similar to human culture in a way. The different clans do sometimes fight one another in clan wars but this is not very common and usually happens when little outside forces threaten their clan. Another difference from the Grimlok, who have only three main tasks, there are many kinds of Goblins, who all perform different things. Goblin types vary from place to place they exist.

Goblins inherit their positions from their parents. For example if ones parents where of a noble goblin class one would most likely become clan leader or such. Some goblins are quite religious and follow various gods. Most famous are the Shamans in Astrid, famous for their deadly dubhaim summonings. Most goblins, believe it or not, live in small wooden shelters for homes. Some in the East Woodlands will even allow an aisling into their home for assistance in creating special armor. It is another similarity between goblin and human culture.

** See section 3.

3. The War of Pravat Cave

Conix stones were first discovered during the entreaty during Deoch 6. The Goblins invaded Pravat Caves to take as many of the stones as possible. The first aislings who completed the calling stone fragment quest listed bellow were given the legend mark “Grimlok [or goblin] Calling Stone for [god aisling worshiped] – [Date]. Legends marks were not given after deoch 12.

Until sometime in Deoch 16 both Grimlok and Goblins lived in Pravat cave. There was a war in pravat between them and they hired any aislings with 11 or more insights who would help their cause. Both were seeking the conix stones buried in the caves. Aislings could choice to ally with the Grimlok or Goblins. The side whom they allied with would not attack them. For the Grimlok, their Queen would deal with any aislings seeking to join their cause. Anyone seeking to join the Goblins would speak to the Great Goblin Warrior Bahadir outside the caves. When allied with a side one could complete a series of quests as listed bellow: (it is the same for both sides)

Calling Stone Fragment: 10,000 experience for each conix stone given.

Gems: 500 experience per gem given.

Deities Item: (Varies) Give an item of the god you worship. If you worship no god you can not do this quest.

Kill Enemies: (Varies, per number killed) If you kill enemies of whom your allied with (Goblins kill Grimlok, vis-versa) you gain experience.

In Deoch 16 the Grimlok finally drove the Goblins out of Pravat Caves. With this, allying with the Grimlok now practically grants free passage in the caves, as no goblins are left. You can still ally with the goblins and complete all 4 quests listed above but, there is little point unless your doing quest #4. (Note: It is not possible to do quest #4 when allied with the Grimlok)

The Goblins returned to Pravat in Deoch 21 during the rise of Tagor. They have remained there to this day. It is again possible to do all quests for both sides.

4. Grimlok and Goblin Lore

This section deals with the creatures of the Grimlok and Goblins. ((monsters found in-game during the time of this writing))

Pravat Caves

Grimlok Worker
Grimlok Soldier
Grimlok Warrior
Goblin Soldier*
Goblin Warrior*
Draco Hatchling**

*- Pre-Deoch 16

*- Was not in Pravat between Deochs 16-21.

**- The Draco Hatchlings live in the room before the Chaos Pits entrance. Draco Hatchlings are the children of the Dracos (who live is the
Kasmanium Mines) They are allied with no one, and will attack anyone on sight. But there is never more then one in the room at a time.

Kasmanium Mines

Grimlok Solider
Goblin Warrior

Eastern Woodlands

(area it starts appearing in)

Kobold* (5-1)
Goblin Guard (7-1)
Goblin Warrior (8-1)
Hob-Goblin** (14-1)

*- Kobolds are younger goblins who have not reached adulthood.

**- Hob-Goblins are not officially Goblins, but are distant cousins of the Goblins.

Undine Field

Goblin Warrior (All 4 areas)


Kobold Pup*
Goblin Guard
Goblin Warrior
Goblin Shaman
Fiend Pupa**

*Cousins of the wolfs, these are the pets of the Kobolds
**- Goblins in Astrid will summon Sgrios creatures for their defense. The Fiend Pupa is the Goblin Shaman\'s summon.
***- Goblin Guard Summon
****-Goblin Warrior Summon